Friday, October 22, 2010

Resource of the Week

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Webcasts

Gather your One Stop staff together in a room for live, in-service training from the experts in job accommodation: The Job Accommodation Network. Educate yourself, management, and other employees on disability etiquette, assistive technologies, management techniques, and the latest on accommodations and the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). From October 2010 to August 2011, JAN offers insightful professional development opportunities for all segments of the One Stop system.

All Webcasts begin at 2 pm Eastern (11:00AM Pacific) and are 1 hour. You must register to attend. One registration is equivalent to one login. Worried that your computer won't be able to handle the Webcast? JAN offers an overview of computer requirements needed to participate in the Webcasts.

These are just some of the upcoming Webcasts for the remainder of 2011:

10/25/2010 - 2:00 pm Eastern
Effective Practices - The Bender Model

Joyce A. Bender, the CEO and founder of Bender Consulting Services, Inc., will discuss effective practices related to recruiting and hiring people with disabilities in the public and private sectors, who are trained in the information technology, engineering, finance/accounting, human resources, and general business areas.
Joyce will discuss the benefits of creating competitive employment and career opportunities for people with disabilities.

11/09/2010 - 2:00 pm Eastern
Veterans Issues

JAN will showcase best practices in hiring and accommodating our returning wounded service members.

12/14/2010 - 2:00 pm Eastern
Customized Employment

Join Dr. Suzanne G. Kitchen and a special guest for a lively discussion about Customized Employment and the success it can bring to individuals with significant disabilities. In this session, strategies and suggestions will be provided, including identifying natural workplace supports, using assistive technology, and negotiating employment tasks, to help you best serve individuals who have typically been excluded from the traditional workforce.

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